Our first month

Certificate of donation

Our first month

Hi there everyone!

Just want to take a moment to report in to you all with how our first month has progressed.

We have managed to generate sales which lead to a £25 donation to a fantastic charity SAFE IN OUR WORLD. This charity is all about supporting those of us in the Video Game industry with Mental Health difficulties. Whether you’re a game developer or streamer that plays games for fun and entertainment, they are a dedicated charity there to offer support for your mental health needs!

This is all thanks to some amazing people who have supported the brand and the cause right from the off! So you know who you are and can never thank you enough.

If you’re looking to jazz up your waredrobe with some cool and fresh designs while also supporting a range of UK Mental Health charities then be sure to take a look though out store section.

Mental Health Support Clothing

Until next month, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly #BeTheAlpha